

We are more than a social club – we also take great pride in our philanthropic endeavors. Through fundraising events and donations, we financially support global charitable organizations and promote charity projects in Hamburg, including our own, with hands-on involvement and dedication.

Philanthropic Mission

When it comes to our philanthropic mission, we aim to promote: 

  • International understanding
  • Community welfare
  • Cultural education
  • Help those in need

To achieve these goals, we are committed to supporting other non-profit and charitable organizations that share common aims.


AWCH-Sponsored Charities and Projects

Our Local Charity: Hanseatic Help

Our local charity from 2022 to 2024, Hanseatic Help collects and delivers basic necessities to over 300 facilities and shelters in Hamburg. As our selected local charity, we organize volunteer afternoons for our members, fundraising events, and various drives for clothing and hygiene articles. 
Learn More

Hamburg Non-Profit Organizations

We support other charities in Hamburg in various ways. This includes our annual Thanksgiving food drive for the Hamburger Tafel, which provides food for people in need, as well as our participation in and hands-on support for the annual charity run Laufend Gegen Gewalt, which raises awareness and money for the Autonomous Women’s Shelters in Hamburg. 

From The Heart Pillow Project

Our very own “From the Heart Pillow Project" started in 2008 to provide heart pillows and drainage bottle bags to breast cancer patients in local hospitals. Members meet regularly for sewing bees to make these needed items, using colorful fabrics and stuffing bought from proceeds from our bagel sales.
Email From The Heart Pillow Project

Nandanvan Trust, Maharashtra, India

Since 2011, we have supported an integrated watershed development project for tribal communities in rural India. In addition to our own fundraising, FAWCO grants have been obtained that provided funds to plant cashew trees and to construct a well, a kindergarten, and a harvest storage building—providing sustainable support for the tribal communities.

FAWCO Target Project

We proudly support the three-year FAWCO Target Projects through various fundraising activities, including a virtual Silent Auction held in November each year. AWCH acquired Diamond Donor status by contributing over $10,000 to the 2019-2022 Target Project Health, which supported the initiative "Safe Alternatives for Female Genital Mutilation" in Tanzania. We are currently in the fundraising cycle for the 2022-2025 Target Project Environment, which supports the "Awesome Blossoms" project by Safe Spaces in Nairobi, Kenya. We have currently raised almost $3,500 as a club and hope to reach $10,000 by the end of this fundraising cycle!

Club Info

American Women's Club of Hamburg e.V.
Postfach 13 04 05
20104 Hamburg


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