The Stitch n Bitch group meets every other Tuesday evening, alternating between an in-person meeting in a member's home and a virtual meeting on Skype. We have had a few members who have moved away from the city, but still are members of the club!
We oooohhh and aahhh at each others projects and will also teach you a craft, if you would like to learn one. Our year-ending event – a White Elephant Gift Exchange – is always a big hit and loads of fun. We support each other not only in our crafts, but also in friendship.
Stitch'n'Bitch Information
Group Leader: Petra Roitsch
Email Address: snb@awchamburg.org
Meeting Times: Every other Tuesday at 19:00 (alternating between online and in-person)

Stitch'n'Bitch Recent Events

Christmas White Elephant Holiday Party
Christmas White Elephant Holiday Party traditionally held during the last meeting before Christmas. At the SnB white elephant gift exchange party, amusing and sometimes impractical crafty-related gifts are exchanged. Everyone brings a gift to exchange as well as a contribution to the party buffet.

Trip to Jever
We had a crafter's weekend away to Jever. We visited wool, cross-stitch, and other craft shops, games shops, and whatever shops suited our fancy in addition to taking in the sights of these cities. Dinners out with great conversation strengthen our friendships.

Trip to Goslar
We had a crafter's weekend away to Goslar. We visited wool, cross-stitch, and other craft shops, games shops, and whatever shops suited our fancy in addition to taking in the sights of these cities. Dinners out with great conversation strengthen our friendships.