Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the American Women's Club of Hamburg!
Club Year: January 1st through December 31st
Annual Dues: 45€ per year (Please note that membership dues are to be paid in January. New members pay the full amount at the time of joining. Club dues are NOT prorated.). The digital version of our club magazine Currents is included in the membership dues. If you would like a printed version sent to you, please include a payment of 5€ per year with your membership dues.
Reasons to Become a Member
- Connect with a diverse group of women who share the American experience (we accept members of all nationalities!)
- Get help settling and learn about life in Hamburg and Germany, and discover different areas of the city
- Meet English speakers living near you
- Attend all kinds of club events and activities
- Celebrate US holidays from the Fourth of July to Thanksgiving
- Access the membership section on our website: www.awchamburg.org & our internal Facebook group
- Attend & vote at our Annual General Meeting in January
- Attend open board meetings
- Have a ready-made social connection to others worldwide through automatic FAWCO membership with access to the website, Facebook group, and all events

Payment Information
After the board has approved your application, you will be asked to transfer the membership dues to our bank account. Your membership becomes effective when we have received BOTH your membership form AND your payment. We accept payment by bank transfer (Überweisung) only.
After approval through the Membership Chairwoman, please transfer your yearly dues of 45€ including your full name to our bank account:
American Women´s Club of Hamburg e.V
Hamburger Sparkasse
IBAN DE47 2005 0550 1502 5597 41
If you have any questions, please contact our Membership Chair at membership@awchamburg.org.