The AWCH Annual General Meeting is Sunday, Jan. 28, at 17:00. Please join us to hear a report about the activities of the past year, to elect a new board, and to socialize. You can find all information here:
We look forward to seeing you there!
The FAWCO Foundation Development Grants (DGs) financially assist projects that are passionately supported by FAWCO Member Clubs and FAUSA. The purpose of the program is to fund projects that can make an immediate impact and make a difference for the people they support.The nine grants, which will be ...
The AWCH Nominating Committee is looking for candidates for the 2024 board. Take a look at the open positions -- would you be a good fit? Or do you know someone else who would? The board meets once per month, and each position has its own responsiblities:
Activities: ...
Now is the time to renew your membership for 2024 in 3 easy steps:
1. Transfer your annual dues to the new AWCH bank account 45€ for the full year + 5€ optional to receive a printed copy of Currents in the mail ...
You are joyfully invited to the first AWCH Meet & Mingle at Landesfrauenrat on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 19:00. This new quarterly members' meeting will be an informal gathering with a fun activity, a live member spotlight, a brief club update, and a social hour to meet with ...